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Connecting Worldviews: Indigenous Cartography in the Americas  (Public Programs)

New Science On a Sphere program!

Have you ever thought about what a map is supposed to look like? For most, a specific image might come to mind. Indigenous cartography in the Americas offers us another way of looking at the world that is rooted in a different tradition. Join us at the MSU Museum on November 30th where we will begin to explore what early indigenous cartography looked like and how mapping has been used across the Americas.

This program is presented by MSU Museum's student presenter for Science on a Sphere, Najya Zaman.

Registration is required for this event.


Science On a Sphere was developed by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), the system uses datasets from NOAA, NASA, universities, science centers and other organizations to explain complex processes along with maps of real-time data visualized onto a globe.

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Location: MSU Museum [map]
Price: free
Sponsor: MSU Museum
Contact: Stephanie Palagyi
email pic
phone pic 517-884-6897