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Thu, Feb 6, 2025

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CAMSA P.B.J. Outreach Drive  (Student Events)

Chaldean American Medical Student Association is hosting a drive with all proceeds going to P.B.J. Outreach, Inc., a nonprofit organization focused on feeding & clothing the poor and marginalized living in the Detroit metropolitan area. They provide food and clothing for approximately 250-350 people every Saturday morning. The drive will be held at all 3 campuses during the week of April 4th, 2022. Below is a list of the items that are needed for donation.

FOOD: jelly, tuna fish, coffee, sugar, candy, zip lock bags, canned/boxed foods, juice, cereal, goldfish, crackers, chips, pretzels, cookies

HYGIENE ITEMS (new only): toothbrush, bar soap, toothpaste, hand cream, shaving cream, mouthwash, disposable razors, deodorant, chap stick, kleenex, toilet paper, combs, washcloths

MEDICINAL: triple antibiotic ointment, hydrocortisone cream, anti-fungal foot cream, muscle rub, band aids

Location: EL First floor lobby East Fee Hall, DMC Student Lounge and Macomb Student Lounge
Contact: Anthony Abro
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