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Advance Studies Gateway at FRIB Seminar Featuring Presenter Lisa Randall - Virtual via Zoom  (Conferences / Seminars / Lectures)

Advance Studies Gateway at FRIB Seminar Featuring Presenter Lisa Randall - Virtual via Zoom

Title: Knocking on Heaven's Door

Abstract: People face challenges in imagining scales very different from their own experiences. Scientists have systematically tackled some of those challenges through measurements and theoretical frameworks in which to interpret them. Professor Randall will discuss how the theme of organizing according to the size of the system plays a critical role in scientific research. This is very useful for nuclear science at FRIB, where the interactions of protons and neutrons are determined by fundamental physics at much smaller length scales, and yet they also interact with light at wavelengths much longer than the size of atomic nuclei. The talk includes examples from her own research on particle physics, extra dimensions of space, and cosmology. She will also explore advances in human thought more generally, and the utility of parceling concepts according to this organizing principle.

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Location: Zoom - Facility for Rare Isotope Beams
Price: Free
Sponsor: public
Contact: Bob Patterer
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