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THATCamp MSU - Digital Humanities Unconference  (Conferences / Seminars / Lectures)

We would like to invite you and your colleagues to join us for the annual Digital Humanities THATCamp, taking place on Friday, August 26nd from 9am - 3:30pm in the Digital Scholarship Lab of the MSU Main Library (Second Floor, West).

Please register by Friday, August 19

What is THATCamp?

THATCamp stands for "The Humanities and Technology Camp." It is an unconference: an open, less formal meeting where humanists and technologists of all skill levels learn and build together in sessions proposed on the spot (From:, though we are willing to accept some proposed ideas or questions in advance.

DH@MSU is continuing our annual THATCamp each August targeted at MSU faculty, staff, and students for a few reasons:

To bring people back together after the summer
To introduce new folks to the DH@MSU community
Share knowledge, expertise, and skills among the community
Build connections between community members for future collaborations, troubleshooting, and ice cream breaks

Who is THATCamp for?

This day-long, in person, unconference is a fantastic opportunity for people on campus, whether formally a part of the DH@MSU community or not, to gather, learn from each other, and make connections to carry forward into the academic year. We welcome:

Members of the DH@MSU community, old and new
Students in the Digital Humanities undergraduate minor or graduate certificate, and students interested in the minor/certificate
Humanists who are engaged in digital and computer-assisted research, teaching, and creation
Anyone doing or interested in exploring work in the digital, especially (but not exclusively) in the areas of arts, humanities, and social sciences

THATCamp is FREE, but we strongly encourage registration in advance (it helps us determine how much pizza, ice cream, and coffee to buy). Please register here by Friday, August 19 and find the tentative schedule here.

Please direct any questions to Max Evjen ( or @cantus94).

more information...

Location: MSU Main Library [map]
Price: free
Sponsor: Administration
Contact: Max Evjen
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