Patterns of Inquiry: Quilts in Research and Education Exhibits (Museum, Gardens, ...)
Echoes of Silent Spring Exhibits (Museum, Gardens, ...)
9:00pm Midnight Bingo Mania Student Events
Patterns of Inquiry: Quilts in Research and Education Exhibits (Museum, Gardens, ...)
Echoes of Silent Spring Exhibits (Museum, Gardens, ...)
4:00pm LBGT Resource Center Welcome for New Students Student Events
6:00pm U-Fest at Munn Ice Arena Student Events
Patterns of Inquiry: Quilts in Research and Education Exhibits (Museum, Gardens, ...)
Echoes of Silent Spring Exhibits (Museum, Gardens, ...)
10:00am Brody Neighborhood Open House Special Events
Classes Begin Academic
Patterns of Inquiry: Quilts in Research and Education Exhibits (Museum, Gardens, ...)
Echoes of Silent Spring Exhibits (Museum, Gardens, ...)
Patterns of Inquiry: Quilts in Research and Education Exhibits (Museum, Gardens, ...)
Echoes of Silent Spring Exhibits (Museum, Gardens, ...)
8:00am dvances in the Dianosis and Management of High Risk Neuroblastoma Conferences / Seminars / Lectures
5:00pm Class of 2015 E-Board Meeting Student Events
7:30pm MSU Professors of Jazz Performing Arts (Dance, Music, Theatre, ...)
Patterns of Inquiry: Quilts in Research and Education Exhibits (Museum, Gardens, ...)
Echoes of Silent Spring Exhibits (Museum, Gardens, ...)
3:00pm Field Hockey vs. Stanford Athletics
8:00pm Football vs. Boise State Athletics
Patterns of Inquiry: Quilts in Research and Education Exhibits (Museum, Gardens, ...)
Echoes of Silent Spring Exhibits (Museum, Gardens, ...)