Auto-Owners Insurance Spartan Invitational Athletics
Cruisin' the Fossil Freeway Exhibits (Museum, Gardens, ...)
Echoes of Silent Spring Exhibits (Museum, Gardens, ...)
1:00pm First Sunday Gallery Walk Opening Reception for "Conversation" Exhibits (Museum, Gardens, ...)
2:30pm Sky Tellers: Seasons and Moon Public Programs
4:00pm Gateway to Infinity Public Programs
7:00pm East Lansing Film Society: A Separation Movie / Film
7:00pm Campus Center Cinemas Student Events
Cruisin' the Fossil Freeway Exhibits (Museum, Gardens, ...)
Echoes of Silent Spring Exhibits (Museum, Gardens, ...)
11:20am Inorganic Seminar, Department of Chemistry Conferences / Seminars / Lectures
12:00pm Class of 2016 Eboard Meeting Student Events
6:30pm Hayrides & History Student Events
7:05pm Men's Ice Hockey vs. Windsor Athletics
Cruisin' the Fossil Freeway Exhibits (Museum, Gardens, ...)
Echoes of Silent Spring Exhibits (Museum, Gardens, ...)
10:20am Plausibility functions and exact frequentist inference Conferences / Seminars / Lectures
10:20am Plausibility functions and exact frequentist inference Conferences / Seminars / Lectures
3:00pm Graduate and Profeesional School Fair Student Events
4:10pm Physical Seminar Conferences / Seminars / Lectures
4:10pm Thomas S. Whittam Memorial Lecture Conferences / Seminars / Lectures
6:00pm UAB General Board Meeting Student Events
8:00pm Spartan Trivia Night Student Events
Cruisin' the Fossil Freeway Exhibits (Museum, Gardens, ...)
Echoes of Silent Spring Exhibits (Museum, Gardens, ...)
3:00pm Organic Seminar/Department of Chemistry Conferences / Seminars / Lectures
3:00pm 2012 Distinguished Lecture Series on Water: Water Shortages and Solutions Conferences / Seminars / Lectures
4:00pm Men's Soccer vs. Detroit Athletics
6:30pm Making the Most of Your Undergraduate Research Experience Academic
7:00pm Paper Bag Scrapbook and Picture Frame Craft Night Student Events
7:00pm Her Majesty's Opera Company in Kansas City Public Programs
7:30pm Film Series II - Top Gun, Jack Epps Jr. Movie / Film
8:00pm Cosmic Bowling and Billiards Student Events
10th Annual MSU Leadership Conference is Looking for Presenters Conferences / Seminars / Lectures
10th Annual MSU Leadership Conference is Looking for Presenters Conferences / Seminars / Lectures
Cruisin' the Fossil Freeway Exhibits (Museum, Gardens, ...)
Echoes of Silent Spring Exhibits (Museum, Gardens, ...)
8:30am Construction Junction Public Programs
1:30pm EndNote X4 Training
4:30pm Agriculture Fair Student Events
5:00pm Research Opportunities at MSUCOM - Dr. Justin McCormick, Associate Dean for Research Student Events
7:00pm Orthopedic Surgery Resident Panel (Orthopedic Surgery/PM&R Group) Academic
7:00pm Campus Center Cinemas Movie / Film
7:30pm Concert Orchestra Performing Arts (Dance, Music, Theatre, ...)
7:30pm Iktus Percussion Group Performing Arts (Dance, Music, Theatre, ...)
8:00pm Sounds of Homecoming Student Events
8:00pm MSU Film Collective Screening - Timecrimes Movie / Film
Cruisin' the Fossil Freeway Exhibits (Museum, Gardens, ...)
Echoes of Silent Spring Exhibits (Museum, Gardens, ...)
11:00am Immigrant Ethnic Groups and the Changing Boundaries of Electoral Politics Public Programs
12:00pm Ice Cream at the Rock Student Events
12:15pm Brown Bag Series - Our Daily Work/ Our Daily Lives Public Programs
12:30pm Oct. 12 - Geological Sciences Seminar Conferences / Seminars / Lectures
12:40pm Organic Seminar/Department of Chemistry Conferences / Seminars / Lectures
3:00pm Physical Seminar Conferences / Seminars / Lectures
6:30pm Women's Volleyball vs. Northwestern Athletics
6:30pm 7th Annual MSU GLBT Homecoming Reception Special Events
7:00pm Campus Center Cinemas Movie / Film
8:00pm Gateway to Infinity Public Programs
9:30pm Men's Basketball Midnight Madness Athletics
10th Annual MSU Leadership Conference is Looking for Presenters Conferences / Seminars / Lectures
Cruisin' the Fossil Freeway Exhibits (Museum, Gardens, ...)
Echoes of Silent Spring Exhibits (Museum, Gardens, ...)
9:00am Swimming & Diving Alumni Meet Athletics
9:00am Residential Colleges' Homecoming Tailgate Special Events
9:30am Social Science Alumni Homecoming Tailgate Alumni
7:00pm Campus Center Cinemas Movie / Film
8:00pm Gateway to Infinity Public Programs