Growing Up Digital in Michigan and Morocco Exhibits (Museum, Gardens, ...)
They Passed Like a Cloud: Extinction and the Passenger Pigeon Exhibits (Museum, Gardens, ...)
12:00pm Women's Tennis Athletics
2:00pm Women's Basketball Athletics
5:00pm Jazz: Spirituals, Prayer and Protest Concert Performing Arts (Dance, Music, Theatre, ...)
5:00pm Women's Tennis Athletics
7:00pm Campus Center Cinemas - The Equalizer Special Events
7:00pm Campus Center Cinemas - The Pursuit of Happyness Special Events
7:10pm Campus Center Cinemas - Dear White People Special Events
9:00pm Campus Center Cinemas - The Equalizer Special Events
9:05pm Campus Center Cinemas - The Pursuit of Happyness Special Events
9:10pm Campus Center Cinemas - Dear White People Special Events
Spartan Film Festival Application Open Special Events
Seeing China: Photographic Views and Viewpoints Exhibits (Museum, Gardens, ...)
Growing Up Digital in Michigan and Morocco Exhibits (Museum, Gardens, ...)
Martin Luther King Jr. Day Academic
They Passed Like a Cloud: Extinction and the Passenger Pigeon Exhibits (Museum, Gardens, ...)
4:10pm Chemistry Seminar Conferences / Seminars / Lectures
Spartan Film Festival Application Open Special Events
Seeing China: Photographic Views and Viewpoints Exhibits (Museum, Gardens, ...)
Growing Up Digital in Michigan and Morocco Exhibits (Museum, Gardens, ...)
They Passed Like a Cloud: Extinction and the Passenger Pigeon Exhibits (Museum, Gardens, ...)
12:10pm Water 101: What does the Ingham County Drain Commissioner do? Special Events
7:00pm "What's Missing in Middle East Reporting" Conferences / Seminars / Lectures
7:00pm UAB Weekly meeting Special Events
7:00pm Learning about Undergraduate Research Academic
7:30pm Walter Verdehr, violin Performing Arts (Dance, Music, Theatre, ...)
Spartan Film Festival Application Open Special Events
Seeing China: Photographic Views and Viewpoints Exhibits (Museum, Gardens, ...)
Growing Up Digital in Michigan and Morocco Exhibits (Museum, Gardens, ...)
They Passed Like a Cloud: Extinction and the Passenger Pigeon Exhibits (Museum, Gardens, ...)
12:00pm The Why and How of Behavioral Economic Strategies to Promote Healthy Behaviors Conferences / Seminars / Lectures
3:00pm Chemistry Seminar Conferences / Seminars / Lectures
7:00pm The Center for Poetry's Read a Poet, Write a Poem Workshop: Lisel Mueller Public Programs
7:00pm Finding a Summer Research Opportunity Academic
7:00pm Men's Basketball Athletics
7:30pm Gwendolyn Burgett, percussion Performing Arts (Dance, Music, Theatre, ...)
8:00pm FREE Cosmic Bowling Special Events
Spartan Film Festival Application Open Special Events
Seeing China: Photographic Views and Viewpoints Exhibits (Museum, Gardens, ...)
Growing Up Digital in Michigan and Morocco Exhibits (Museum, Gardens, ...)
They Passed Like a Cloud: Extinction and the Passenger Pigeon Exhibits (Museum, Gardens, ...)
4:00pm Reception & performance for "Lies, Damned Lies and Statistics" Exhibits (Museum, Gardens, ...)
4:10pm Department of Chemistry Organic Seminar Conferences / Seminars / Lectures
5:30pm RCAH in Mali & Creating a World Peace Game International Events (Study Abroad, ...)
7:00pm "Water Scarcity in the Middle East: Can Technology Be the Game Changer?" Conferences / Seminars / Lectures
Spartan Film Festival Application Open Special Events
Seeing China: Photographic Views and Viewpoints Exhibits (Museum, Gardens, ...)
Growing Up Digital in Michigan and Morocco Exhibits (Museum, Gardens, ...)
They Passed Like a Cloud: Extinction and the Passenger Pigeon Exhibits (Museum, Gardens, ...)
6:00pm Swimming & Diving Athletics
7:00pm Campus Center Cinemas - Fury Special Events
7:00pm Men's Ice Hockey Athletics
8:00pm Campus Center Cinemas - Gone Girl Special Events
8:00pm Sangmi Lim, piano Performing Arts (Dance, Music, Theatre, ...)
9:20pm Campus Center Cinemas - Fury Special Events
Spartan Film Festival Application Open Special Events
Seeing China: Photographic Views and Viewpoints Exhibits (Museum, Gardens, ...)
Growing Up Digital in Michigan and Morocco Exhibits (Museum, Gardens, ...)
They Passed Like a Cloud: Extinction and the Passenger Pigeon Exhibits (Museum, Gardens, ...)
4:00pm Women's Gymnastics Athletics
7:00pm Campus Center Cinemas - Fury Special Events
8:00pm Campus Center Cinemas - Gone Girl Special Events
9:20pm Campus Center Cinemas - Fury Special Events