Battle of the Bands Application Special Events
Seeing China: Photographic Views and Viewpoints Exhibits (Museum, Gardens, ...)
Growing Up Digital in Michigan and Morocco Exhibits (Museum, Gardens, ...)
2:00pm MACBETH Performing Arts (Dance, Music, Theatre, ...)
7:00pm Campus Center Cinemas - The Best of Me Special Events
7:10pm Campus Center Cinemas - Birdman Special Events
7:15pm Campus Center Cinemas - The Interview Special Events
9:10pm Campus Center Cinemas - The Best of Me Special Events
9:20pm Campus Center Cinemas - Birdman Special Events
9:25pm Campus Center Cinemas - The Interview Special Events
Songs of Miners, Lumberjacks, and Schooner Men: Alan Lomax's Michigan Legacy Exhibits (Museum, Gardens, ...)
Battle of the Bands Application Special Events
Seeing China: Photographic Views and Viewpoints Exhibits (Museum, Gardens, ...)
Growing Up Digital in Michigan and Morocco Exhibits (Museum, Gardens, ...)
4:10pm Department of Plant Biology/Plant Research Lab Seminar Conferences / Seminars / Lectures
Songs of Miners, Lumberjacks, and Schooner Men: Alan Lomax's Michigan Legacy Exhibits (Museum, Gardens, ...)
Battle of the Bands Application Special Events
Seeing China: Photographic Views and Viewpoints Exhibits (Museum, Gardens, ...)
Growing Up Digital in Michigan and Morocco Exhibits (Museum, Gardens, ...)
4:00pm Info Session: Truman Scholarship, Carnegie Jr. Fellows, Presidential Fellows Program Student Events
7:00pm UAB Weekly meeting Special Events
7:30pm Musique 21: University Chorale with guest artists the Orchid Ensemble Performing Arts (Dance, Music, Theatre, ...)
Songs of Miners, Lumberjacks, and Schooner Men: Alan Lomax's Michigan Legacy Exhibits (Museum, Gardens, ...)
Battle of the Bands Application Special Events
Michigan State Volunteers Around the World Student Events
Seeing China: Photographic Views and Viewpoints Exhibits (Museum, Gardens, ...)
Growing Up Digital in Michigan and Morocco Exhibits (Museum, Gardens, ...)
12:00pm Daniel Jones, Prof, MSU, Biochemistry & Molecular Biology Conferences / Seminars / Lectures
3:30pm ESPP Student Research Seminar Conferences / Seminars / Lectures
4:00pm Food Science & Human Nutrition Spring Seminar Series Conferences / Seminars / Lectures
7:00pm Marge Piercy Public Programs
8:00pm FREE Cosmic Bowling Special Events
8:00pm Men's Basketball Athletics
Songs of Miners, Lumberjacks, and Schooner Men: Alan Lomax's Michigan Legacy Exhibits (Museum, Gardens, ...)
Battle of the Bands Application Special Events
Seeing China: Photographic Views and Viewpoints Exhibits (Museum, Gardens, ...)
Growing Up Digital in Michigan and Morocco Exhibits (Museum, Gardens, ...)
10:00am Physiology Seminar Conferences / Seminars / Lectures
7:00pm Global Film Series: The Road to Fame Movie / Film
7:00pm Writing the Body: Women's Poetry and Ekphrasis with Robin Silbergleid Special Events
7:30pm Suren Bagratuni, cello, and Ralph Votapek, piano Performing Arts (Dance, Music, Theatre, ...)
8:00pm MSU Film Collective: Damaged and Tom Movie / Film
Songs of Miners, Lumberjacks, and Schooner Men: Alan Lomax's Michigan Legacy Exhibits (Museum, Gardens, ...)
Battle of the Bands Application Special Events
Seeing China: Photographic Views and Viewpoints Exhibits (Museum, Gardens, ...)
Growing Up Digital in Michigan and Morocco Exhibits (Museum, Gardens, ...)
Student Art Exhibit Submission Form Special Events
9:00am Chris Waters, As't Prof, MSU - Microbiology & Molecular Genetics Conferences / Seminars / Lectures
2:00pm Screening: Public Lighting, Mike Hoolboom Movie / Film
3:00pm Women's Tennis Athletics
6:00pm Women's Gymnastics Athletics
7:00pm 2015 Apparel and Textile Design Fashion Show Special Events
7:00pm Men's Ice Hockey Athletics
8:00pm Jazz Orchestras and Peter Bernstein, guitar Performing Arts (Dance, Music, Theatre, ...)
Songs of Miners, Lumberjacks, and Schooner Men: Alan Lomax's Michigan Legacy Exhibits (Museum, Gardens, ...)
Battle of the Bands Application Special Events
Agriculture and Natural Resources Week Agriculture
Seeing China: Photographic Views and Viewpoints Exhibits (Museum, Gardens, ...)
Growing Up Digital in Michigan and Morocco Exhibits (Museum, Gardens, ...)
Student Art Exhibit Submission Form Special Events
7:00pm Men's Ice Hockey Athletics