Six 'players' on the trail of a half million in cash. There's only one question: Who's playing who?
Quentin Tarentino's follow-up to Pulp Fiction brought together Robert De Niro, Samuel Jackson, Michael Keaton, Bridget Fonda, Robert Forster, and the legendary Pam Grier. Dan Kneece, Steadicam expert and one of the camera operators on Jackie Brown, will be present at the screening to answer questions following the film. Says author Elmore Leonard: "This is the closest adaptation of my work that actually puts my book on the screen. It's something that only (Quentin) Tarantino could do. He made the film his own but he created characters and dialogue that sounded just like I had envisioned them. With guys like Robert De Niro and Samuel L. Jackson in the cast, you can't go wrong."